Friday, May 28, 2010

Inglorious Basterds


By now I have already seen movies like "Fight Club" and "A Curious Case of Benjamin Button" so at least I can't say that this is one of the best movies of Brad Pitt. Nonetheless, he is as  charming and delightful as ever. Somehow, the director of the film, Quentin Tarantino, was amazingly successful in creating a real mixture in which you taste other things than Brad Pitt alone.

It is set in the times of 2nd World War when Hitler was killing jews for the purity of human race or something like that. Somehow, a few of them were able to survive. And this is how the story unfolds till the Jew-killing machines were neutralized by an American group of mercenaries better known as "Inglorious Bastards" led by (of course none other than) Brad Pitt. The most amazing character of the movie, however, was stolen by Christoph Waltz who played --Col. Hans Landa-- and played it masterfully.. His performance might certainly have beaten Brad Pitt for once. It like the 4th idiot (Chatur Ramalingam) of the hindi movie "3 Idiots". Do enjoy the tense war/action movie.


Get it here. :D




  1. This was a real waste of time.. instead watch Enemy at the Gates .. Story of german and russian Spy war in 1942 .. wonderfulll

  2. Is that true somender but I have heard that its a nice movie. I am also convinced with the description of the movie and do thinks that it will be an interesting movie. Let me give it a try at least.


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